
François CHAINE

Coordonateur du projet LIFE ZEUS


CHEMDOC is an innovative SME specialising in the industrial water cycle and membrane filtration techniques for process and recycling water.

CHEMDOC is recognised in these fields and has been working with major international industrial groups for 15 years. It is supported by the French innovation bank BPI.

A constant process of innovation has led the company to develop novel recycling processes combining several membrane and electrochemical stages, with new applications such as water from combustion smoke condensates, polluted steam, brine, circuit purges, lithium in effluents, etc.

The company has won several innovation awards in this field. With syrup manufacturer MONIN, CHEMDOC aims to demonstrate the relevance of its technical solutions in achieving the ZLD factory result of 'zero liquid discharge'.

The company employs 20 people and will achieve sales of €2.6m in 2021, with growth of 20%, driven by industrial ReUSE and the recovery of pollutants.

It has a solid network of customers and industrial, scientific and technical partners, including EDF, INSA, UP and KURITA, to develop its solutions and bring them to market.

CHEMDOC has been selected by the European Union for the "EU Gateway to South East Asia" programme in 2019 and 2020, for its compact membrane filtration solutions for water desalination and recycling.


Directeur de Production


Georges MONIN SAS is part of the MONIN group, which comprises 7 sister companies.

With over 700 employees, the group has a turnover of more than 300 million euros and produces more than 100 million bottles a year.

Monin is the world leader in the professional syrups market, with average annual sales growth in double figures: +10% in Europe, +12% in the US and +30% to +40% in China.

The brand's premium positioning is based on the irreproachable quality of its products and the support it provides for its customers' needs (innovation, made-to-measure development, etc.).

Bourges is not only the group's head office but also its leading industrial site in terms of volumes produced, turnover and number of countries distributed, with more than 80 countries supplied in Europe, the Middle East, India and Africa.

The Monin group now exports to more than 160 countries.

The development of the brand and internal growth are supported by dynamic investments and an industrial tool composed of 7 sites in the world, all green field projects.

The company has the industrial, technical and administrative know-how to successfully complete the LIFE ZEUS project.

MONIN is aware of the strategic importance of water for its long-term survival and for the regions from which it draws this resource, against a backdrop of climate change and ever-increasing pressure on resources.

The company has always been concerned about this issue, and for the past two years it has been deploying specific resources, in particular a project manager and a technician in charge of projects and the future LIFE ZEUS demonstrator, which will be fully integrated into the Bourges industrial facilities and the company's commercial strategy as a symbol of its convictions.


Chef de projets


The Institut National Scientifique Appliquée de Toulouse is a public scientific, cultural and professional institution. With more than 17,000 engineers working in all sectors of the economy, INSA is recognised for the excellence of its training and its research rooted in the industrial sector.

Over the 2014-2020 period, INSA took part in 22 Horizon 2020 projects and was coordinator of 4 of them, for a total budget of €7.8m.

INSA, through its TBI research laboratory and the Bio-Industries and GPTE transfer centres, has cutting-edge, cross-disciplinary expertise in water-related issues and is identified as a major player in innovation in this field in France, Europe and worldwide.

INSA's missions are consistent with the expectations of the ZEUS programme:

  • Training: since 2019, the INSA Group has been working on integrating climate and energy issues into its teaching throughout the training programme. The GP3E (Géniedes Procédés Eau Environnement Energie) department is particularly concerned.
  • Innovation: TBI (300 people), through its 3 research teams, is one of France's leading laboratories in the field of wastewater treatment and recovery. The TBI laboratory's Sustainable Process Engineering division, with 16 international collaborations, is an international specialist in the design of Membrane Processes for water recycling and in the eco-design of processes through Life Cycle Analysis and multi-objective optimisation.
  • Technology transfer: the Process Engineering and Environmental and Bioindustry Technology Transfer Centres (30 people), accredited as CRTs, are tasked with disseminating know-how and innovation from the laboratories to companies in their field of competence and expertise, i.e. water treatment and agro-industry.


Adjoint du Directeur Commercial

Office international de l'Eau

OiEau is a non-profit association whose aim is to develop the skills needed to improve domestic and industrial water management.

OiEau has expertise in many water-related issues and focuses on innovation for better water management in France, Europe and worldwide.

OiEau's priority missions are as follows:

  • To collect, analyse and make easily accessible scientific, technical, economic and institutional documentation on water-related issues, in order to guarantee a technological watch enabling knowledge to be constantly updated in real time,
  • Contributing to the training of water professionals to facilitate their ongoing adaptation to new jobs, functions and qualifications brought about by technical progress and the variety of local, regional and national contexts,
  • Collaborate in data management programmes on water quality, pollution, water resources and environmental protection,
  • To develop expertise and evaluation capacities on legal, economic and institutional issues in order to strengthen local or regional skills and promote integrated water resource management in the countries concerned.

OiEau employs 140 people and mobilises 250 external experts. OiEau is supported by 149 partner organisations, 32 of which are foreign.

OiEau runs the permanent secretariat of INBO, the international network of basin organisations; it also manages the secretariat of the Global Alliance for Water and Climate (GAfWaC).

OiEau coordinates H2020 projects: Smart.Met, PreCommercial Procurement of connected water meters (4M euros), and Fiware4Water, for a new generation of IT tools in the water sector (5M euros; it also coordinates the LIFE Water&Climate project (FR-LIFE19_GIC_FR_001259).