
Translation : Français fr

General objectives

The general objectives of LIFE ZEUS are in line with those set out in Article 3 of the LIFE Regulation (1293/2013). They aim to "transition to a more resource-efficient economy, resilient to the effects of climate change" and to "improve the development, implementation and enforcement of EU environmental policy and legislation" by implementing a solution for the reuse of industrial wastewater.

The solution deployed in the LIFE-ZEUS project provides a safe and efficient use of water resources, improving quantitative water management, preserving a high level of water quality and avoiding misuse and deterioration of water resources, in the demanding context of water quality in the agri-food industries.
Zero discharge solutions will be disseminated throughout the agri-food industry in France and Europe.

Objectives for preserving water resources

LIFE ZEUS aims to reuse effluent that is suitable for contact with food. At the demonstration site, 45,000 m3 per year, i.e. 100% of the volume of wastewater, will be treated and 40,500 m3 reused in situ, reducing water consumption by 68%. In 5 years' time, thanks to the project's sustainability and replication strategy, 186 facilities will treat 1.5 million m3 of effluent, saving 1.3 million m3 of water withdrawal.

The project aims to contribute to changes in regulations on best available techniques (BAT) for effluent treatment and recycling.

Circular economy objectives

The R-Oasys® technology developed in the LIFE-ZEUS project will make it possible to recycle 405 t of COD per year, i.e. 1,688% more than today, resulting in the production of 1.5 million kilowatt-hours of renewable biogas. ReGeCyle® will enable the in-situ recycling of 38 t of salts contained in 372 m3 of brine per year, i.e. 76% and 82% respectively of current consumption. Over 5 years, a total of 1,4985 t of COD and almost 25,000 t of brine containing 2,689 t of NaCl will be recycled or recovered thanks to the installation of 186 new facilities.

Climate neutrality objectives

By avoiding the discharge of 38 t of salt per year into the aquatic environment through the recycling of 82% of the brine from the MONIN site, the project will make it possible to recycle 40,500 m3 of water and recover 405 t of COD per year, i.e. 90% of the discharge and 100% of the COD, producing 1,501,100 kWh of renewable gas, thus avoiding annual emissions of 1,419 t of CO2 (- 3952%) per year for the entire water sector, i.e. more than
33,000 t over 5 years.

These targets are designed to meet the objectives of the Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing a framework for achieving climate neutrality (COM(2020)80) and the objectives of the European Union Biodiversity Strategy 2030 (COM(2020)380).