ZEUS in a nutshell


The ZEUS project is a demonstration project funded by Europe through its LIFE programme and co-financed by the Loire-Bretagne, Adour-Garonne and Rhône-Méditerranée-Corse Water Agencies.

The ZEUS project aims to demonstrate the technical and economic feasibility of a water recycling solution at the MONIN syrup manufacturing plant in Bourges, leading to zero liquid discharge by separating 3 flows with a view to their recovery:

- High-quality water suitable for food contact
- Mineral salts for regenerating softener resins.
- Concentrated organic compounds for the production of renewable energy.

Following the tests carried out during the project, the ZEUS solution will be transferred to other MONIN group plants, as well as to other agri-food industries (dissemination).
The partners: MONIN, CHEMDOC Water Technologies, Office International de l'Eau and INSA Toulouse.